Monday, December 1, 2008

What a day!

Hello friends and Ladies;

What a day, Please forgive for not getting my 2nd in the series of "Are we really our husbands Helpmeet?, out today....First, my daughter with our 2 Grandsweeties, called at 7:00a and asked if I could go with to help with her 2 live wires, Now, how could I turn that down?...teehee!

We did not return home until 500:P....Then my Dh found a leak in our water line and dug 6 feet down to find it, thankfully he did and hopefuly fixed it, so we just returned in our home at 8:30p...I am exhausted....

I will have to send my 2nd in the series tomorrrow, I do not have what it takes to type for the next 1/2 hour, Please return tomorrow to read....

Thanks for your patience and Love....

Love to you...
