Saturday, February 7, 2009

A heart of rest and usefullness.....

Hello all....

I have a subject on my mind, so here it goes....

We can get so hard in our hearts. As we go through life, thinge come up. We rise up in our own way. Sometimes we lose God in our own ways. We jsut need to break and give it all to God. Its a hard path sometimes, but its such a beautiful path. May God keep us broken. I want to be a broken woman, don't you? Sometimes we break and become useful, then we become proud and we have to be broken again. We do need a daily breaking to stay soft and pliable in the Lords hands.

When our hearts break, our "rights" are gone. A broken and contrite heart brings a rest to our hearts and lives. Jesus said,"Come to me if you are heavy laden and need rest." Gods children need rest. We need rest in our hearts. How do we get it? Jesus said,"Learn from me, for I am meek and lowely of heart." In meekness, that is in brokeness. In meekness and lowliness is where we find rest. We are at peace with God.

When our heart breaks, our life becomes silent. Ther is a lot more silence than there is speaking. I have noticed that. Deeply broken people are generally a quiet people.

Look at the silence of Jesus when He was in the judgement hall. People were after Him, saying all kinds of things about Him. What did He do? He was silent, unless He wanted to identify who He was. There is a distanct difference. When He was accused, He was silent. When He was asked who He was, then He spoke. He was concerned about His identity with God, the Father, but not about His reputation.

We are so protective of our reputation. We are so concerned about what others think about us, but Jesus wasn't. We need to protect God's testimony in our lives, but not our reputations. When men speak evil against me, I want to fight back, go hunt them down, see who said it......When our heart breaks, we leave the fight to God. God can do it. If God wants to hunt that person down, then let Him hunt it down......the TRUTH always stand. When the heart breaks, the fight is over.

Usually when something is broken it becomes useless, but when the heart breaks IT becomes usefull. In the church of Jesus Christ, everything must be brought to death, and then, through resurrection power, be rivived. Jesus' first miracle, that miracle of turning water into wine, didn't happen until the old wine was finished. Then the new wine came, then the miracle.

If you don't see the work of God in your life, if youre not where you want to be, then what you need to do is finish, let your heart break with the things that break the heart of God. Then, in His power, He can put you together again, His way.

God needs to do a deep work of breaking in our hearts. Our visions may collapse right in front of our very eyes. But, have you looked at Joseph? He had a dream, God had showed him that he was going to be a leader. How do you think he felt when his brothers threw him in that old pit? Do you think he thought about his leadership? There he was, down in the pit. His vision collapsed right in front of his eyes. Later he was in can he ever lead in prison? God brings vision to nothing, so that He can raise up His way in us. Thats the life of brokeness.....

When the heart breaks, hiding our inner poverty is over. Some of us would probably not want everyone to know the inner poverty in our life-how shallow we really are in our Christian walk. Wou you like everyone to know how you rally are? Sometimes we try to hide, but when the heart breaks, we no longer care who sees it....We just want to be different. We WANT TO CHANGE. We WANT to get close to the Lord......

Have you had hurts in your life? I have. Those deep hurts can make us bitter or better....It depends if the "I" is in it or not....God wants to bring those diffeculties in our lives to break us down to nothing, so that He can raise up His power in us. There is tremendous power in being broken......But, ITS SOOOOO PAINFUL!!!!

God wants broken hearts. When a Church is a Church full of broken hearts, you will see a Church that has peace amongst it's people. Your going to have rest in your hearts and souls, Your Church will be peaceful. You will want to reach out to others and not keep it unto yourself. There is something sooooo sweet and beautiful aboaut brokeness.....but,,,,its not going to be easy..its hard.

May I encourage you to give your all to God with no reserves...all of who you are or are not, all of who you want to be and don't want to be, your dreams and aspirations.......give HIM all.......May God break our hearts with the things that break His...may we trust,,and not be afraid to let him be God......

Love to you.............


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