Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Tuesday....Our reading material.....

Our reading material....
What does our reading material say in our hearts?
Does it lft up the one and only God of the universe? Or, does it kind of hint about the "one".....?
Beware, of falsities in this reading material....hinting, about "the one" and only true God, is it what our minds know as that, our minds will pick up subtleties in what we read...Does our reading ..."build us up in the most holy faith...", or does it tickle our ears?
Does it help us grow into the likeness of Christ, love our fellow man more, have more Grace for the unlovely, or does it make us critical, judgemental and just plain grumpy at those who dont do/think/dress as we think they should?
Lets keep our eyes open to the subtleties of the enemy in our souls...


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