Friday, January 23, 2009

~ Meek?~


Good Morning...

I pray Ican keep up the additions and sharing what is on my heart with you all.

It seem good to me to do this.

This morning, I awoke with.."meek"...on my heart.

This is what the Concordance and dictionary said;

"...not easily provoked or irritated, submissive to divine will, gentle, yielding, forbearing(theres that word again), humble, mild, and unassuming..."

WOW!!!! Theres a lot to be said about this word....May we take some of these words to heart in our every day lives and apply them.

You think, "I will never be able to get this all in my heart?"...your right, without the Holy Spirit, one is a "...sounding brass and a tinkling symbol...."

Get it deep in ones heart, so when one comes up against any given situation, one can go with God and display these fruits. Don't be too hard on oneself, one will not always have victory with these things.....but, one can "pull ones boot straps up and go again"......Jesus is waiting.....................

Much Love to any that read this blog.....
In Him.......


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