Thursday, March 19, 2009

Unconditional Surrender

Good Morning Ladies....

I thought for today, I would share my thoughts about this title....What does that mean , you are thinking...Lets find out....

Immediate and unconditional surrender is the only way we can truly serve God. In the battles of life, those who loose are at the mercies of the winners. If the loosers don't give up, immediately and unconditionally to their captives, it just wouldn't work for the loosers.

If we desire to live a Christian life, the only way we can, and the thing Jesus offers is "freedom", but, with unconditional surrender of our hearts and minds and wills.

Luke 14:31..We wonder, "Why is Christianity not clear, why cannot I hear the voice of the Holy Spirit? Could it be a lack of complete surrender in our lives? Am I willing to do whatever the Holy Spirit asks of me? Even when it goes against my own thinking? Rev. 2:26-28

Matthew...Are we holding onto a "part" of ourselves, that perhaps God has ask us to give up and let go of? We don't want anyone else to know, we want to keep it secret....We may think it's a secret, but, Our Heavenly Father, sees it all, and we really are not fooling anyone, are we?

God is very merciful to us, He will not require anything of us, that He would not give us the strength to overcome, or walk through. He's not a harsch God, He does not hold a rod over our heads to clunk us, when we do wrong, He is merciful, and ever bearing with us. He wants us to be "free" of our "secret" sins...... It may be painful to go through, we may have to be humble enough to be wrong.....but, that is the way we are free.....

When we are truly broken, we will want to be what he wants us to be.....We will want to do right, that doesn't mean we wont fail, we will, but, he is

there to "lift our arms that hang down"..and help us along....We can then have the vision to see wht God is requiring of us. Humility ONLY comes when we are truly broken and ready and willing for whatever He has for us....

Matthew 10 says....."...come unto me all ye that are heavey laden...for "I" will give you rest..."

I want to encourage us to give our "all" to Jesus, and allow Him the room to "set us free"...

May we be faithful so, no matter what, even when its tough and looks like a mountain to us, we may fall on our knees and repent.

Love from my heart this morning...


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