Tuesday, February 9, 2010

More on the "Love" tract...

Lets see, where did we leave off?....
   If you feel the need of love---if there is an emptiness in your heart----you can find true love. You can find this be giving yourself to God. God loves you with a tender, caring, compassion that knows no bounds. He cares for you and wants to share and help you through all the heartaches of life. If you feel alone and think that no one really cares,you can rest assured that the One who gave his Son for you does feel all your heartache and grief, in your loneliest hours and your most dismal days, He will be there to give you comfort, strength, and direction if you turn toHim.
   If you do not know how to reach God, just pour your heart to Him and He will hear. If you feel you can hardly trust anyone, not even God, tell Him so. Then ask Him to show you the way.
If you feel you are a sinner without hope of ever finding forgiveness and love, come to God with all your heart, repenting of and leaving your past sins. He will be your loving Father if you come to Him with all your heart, and are willing to obey in all that He asks of you.
   When God forgives and accepts you, you will feel His love and gain a relationship with HIm that nothing can take away. This relationship will only be broken if YOU turn away from HIm, it is impossible for Him to leave us IF, we are following Him.

OK, My computer is acting up, more later...

Love to all who read....Terri

Here is the link for this tract....

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