
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
The Nature of Man and Woman.....

Good Morning......did not get to this yesterday, so today.....Time flies way too fast, and things have been hectic here,,,,the enemy of our souls has been terrible busy in our home, Lets remember each other in Prayer.
This week the title is...
"The Nature Of Man And Woman"..
Man was created to subdue; woman to assist....God made them that way. God created man with a nature that is aggresive, and then commanded him to exercise dominion over the earth(Gen. 1:28). He created the male with an extra dose of testosterone, which provokes him to want to work hard, conquer everything in his path, and subdue all things. That is why the male is at the forefront of conquests, exploration, architecture, science, inventions etc. No woman would ever go out and tame a wild horse and make a rope out of its mane and tail, and then go find a bear and lasso it just to prove that she could----laughing the whole time.
If women were the inventors, they would make minivans. Men make 4 wheel drive vehicles and then modify them so they will stand higher and drive faster. They will even put a winch on the front so they can traverse places meant only for alligators and mountain goats. Men fly to the moon, climb treacherous mountains, fight wild beasts, challange each other at any sport, and laugh with hilarious delight the whole time. They like to play or watch games where they knock each other down, just to prove they can. Everything they do must end with a testosterone driven climax. And they think we ladies are hard to understand! A woman can do about everything a man can do, but it is always the men who invent it and then eventually invite the ladies along just to make it more interesting. Testosterone again!!! A few ladies will always step out and play the mens games, trying to prove a gender point. The men don't need a point to prove; they just need to vent. Men are different, we must face it.
Thankfully, men and women were not created alike. Men were created with traits that I do not want as part of me!!! But, when I married, it was of course, to one of these strange male creatures with those wierd traits. When we ladies discover traits in a man like sensitivity, spirituality, and understanding, we are thrilled, because they contrast so starkly with the many coarser and visible traits that so strongly drive his nature. After all, having a nature to subdue all things, he likes best, a woman who will give him a token struggle and then surrender totally to his wit, charm, and strength. He must thoroughly conquer. It is a battle I always enjoy losing, I like to be conquered by my man, that is the way I am created. Think about it ladies, if we are created that way, why, do it any other way? We will fall into this createdness, if we but, allow it.
The Woman Deceived...
When Adam was created and placed in the garden, Lucifer, the fallen cherub, was jealous of Adams position as master of the renewed planet. Lucifer, having become the devil, had previously made himself the enemy of god and his program. He did not want God to be successful at replenishing the earth. From the very beginning, it was in the devils dark heart to lure Adam into disobeying his Creator. Satan would make Adam into the same rebel that he himself had been for such a long time. but satan did not approach Adam. He waited and watched....
When God finished Adam, he gave the job of naming all the animals to him. He commanded the first man not to eat of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, and he told him to subdue the earth and have dominion over the animal kingdom. His principal job was to dress and keep the garden(Gen. 2:15). So, even before Eve was created, Adam was a full grown man, firmly rooted in his relationship with God and fully engaged in his lifes work.
Adam was alone for a period of time as he attended to his vocation and obeyed the command of his Creatos. In going about the task of ulfilling his duties, he became aware of a need that he could not define, even though he observed it daily in the male and female behaviour of the animals. He was lonely. He had no one with whom to share his conquests. God, in watching Adam, said, "It is not good that the man should be alons; I will make him an help meet for him"(Gen. 2:18). In time, God put Adam to sleep and took a rib from him to make of it a woman to be his helper and to meet his needs.
Satan could have tempted this lonely man at any time, for he had no knowledge of good and evil. But satan waited---waited for the created weaker vessel. "For Adam was first formed, then Eve. And Adam wasnot deceived, but the woman being deceived was inthe transgression"(1Timothy 2:13-14). Satan knew that the man co uld not be deceived, but, the woman could. Hmmmmmmm....it WAS us!!! So, when she drew near to the tree, he convinced her that life would be better if she sought the higher state of being "like the gods"---gaining spiritial insight into the nature of good and evil. Eve was deceived in 3 WAYS:
1. She followed her flesh in desiring the tree for its food properties.
2. She succumbed to its beauty, desiring it for its pleasant appearance She did not follow logic, she follower her "sensibilities."
3. She wanted "deeper" spiritual insights than those provided by God.
the source of Eve's failure was her UNWILLINGNESS to believe God and her husband.
Do you do this? It is misery when we step out of this protection. Oh, God will let us, but, we will reap the consequences, a marriage that is the pits, and maybe not that bad, but, not quite right. Our hearts will take the lead, and our DHs will let us(most anyhows), and we will also take the consequences for that. Ladies lets follow, follow, follow...God can and Will show you the right path to take if you will but listen.
She was meant to be Adams helper, but she helped herself to Spiritual knowledge and acted independently, becoming his downfall instead of his helpmeet.
Why did satan avoid Adam and approach Eve with his offer of greater spirituality? Lucifer is a male being(Isaish 14:12-20). He understands the natural resistence of the male. He knows males say "no" just to prove they are in command. But Lucifer could see this soft, sweet female was vulnerable. God had made her by nature to be responsive, and she trusting and naive. Being willing to rationalize, she could be deceived---having the best of intentions.
In my mind, I picture the man being created heavily armoured. His armour is helpful both Spiritually and physically. God loaded him down with resistances, giving him a nature that is doubtful, skeptical, forceful, and pushy(for the most part). God knew that in order for man to survive, and even prosper, he would need a natural armour that would drive him to keep pushing against the odds, while enjoying the challange. God knew that satan was a liar and the master of deceit, so he crated in man a questioning about things. Mans objectivity and lack of intuitiveness make him appear less spiritual than the sensitive, female. As a general rule, man is ruled more by his mind than the female, who is goverened more by her sensibilities.
Picture God, as deliberately creating the woman without this armour, because he intended for her to stand beside her husbands armour. He was to be her covering, her shield, and her protector. Satan was ble to deceive her when she left Adams side and confronted the Devils logic alone. She didn't have the armour to ward off his fiery darts of deceit.
God designed the woman to be sensitive and vulnerable for the sake of the little ones whom she must nurture. The soul of a mother had to be vulnerable, the outer shell thin. She must be quick to feel, hurt. love, have compassion, to take in the broken, and to believe the best. Vulnerability is a womans greatest natural asset and the point of her greatest weakness. A woman CAN become tough and hard, skeptical, and cautious in relationships just like men. She can become guarded and cynical, but in so doing, she is no longer feminine, no longer attractive to a man, and she might even start to not like herself.Unprotected by the covering of her man, she will grow miserable fighting her own battles and trying to survive on equal footing with men.
I find this very interesting.....If we are created this way, and we fight against it, how can we be happy? We will, put on a good face, be happy on the outside, but, to really be happy outside of what God created us.....How can we?
Look at our world today, the same female sexes together..... In their attempt to shed their vulnerability and their not wanting to be what they were REALLY created for....they begin to exhibit traits totally outside their created feminine nature. They lose their beauty and charm, and become very poor "men".(Scripture says this).
I thnk...we will. continue tomorrow, my fingers are tired........
Think on this..Ladies. Gods word is His word, not mine...lets begin to see our man for what God created Him to be and our role where it needs to be.
See you tomorrow.......
Love Terri......
Monday, February 16, 2009
Reactions Define You!!!!!
This is my 2nd attempt at writing this morning.....my computer just blanked out and I was almost finished with this ...now to start over......
A wise woman does not dream of what "could have been". She does not see herself as "Gods" gift to her man, therefore, she is joyful and content in whatever cinrcumstances she finds herself in....
By the time you married, you already had ceratin convictions. You knew right from wrong. you did what you thought was right, and no one could persuade you differently. But, now you find yourself and your convictions challenged by someone who may not share your established standards and worldview. He may be more liberal than you, more permissive, or he may be stricter and more more legalistic. The presence of children further complicates the situation. You want desperately to do what is right for them, but you have submitted yourself under the authority of another. Life is not going the way you had planned, and you cannot react in the way you wanted to. You find yourself pushed to the limit of your patience, and then you react in unsubmissive and selfish anger.
Reactions are not premeditated actions springing from our best motives, carefully thought our, planned, weighed. They are emotional responses, breaking lose like wild horses when we feel hurt, cheated, used or misunderstood. They are often are retalitory, sometimes condemning, confrontational, or adversarial and eventually vengeful and punishing.
Your reactions break you loose from your social inhibitions and manifest who you really are inside and what you really believe at your core level.
We loose our carefully preserved "front" when we are pressed beyond our own thinking. Then,who we really are is made manifest.
You can control your future reactions considerably by changing the way you think you feel, and it will determine how you will react in stressful situations.
Researchers have determined that the average person thinks over 40,000 thoughts per day. The heart is filled with these thoughts, and it is out of that reservoir of thoughts that the mouth speaks, be it good or bad. When the pressure is on, and the dam of resevation breaks loose, you cannot control what you say, because you will speak from the abundance of your heart---from the 40,000 thoughts you had that day and all the days before.
"A good man out of the good treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is good; and an evil man out of the evil treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is evil: for of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaketh"(Luke 6:45) If you, as s wife, are going to change the way you have been speaking, it is not a matter of willpower; it is a matter of thought ower. "For as he thinketh in his heart, so IS he..."(Prov. 23:7). You must bring "into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ"(II Cor. 10:5). "For out of hte heart proceed evil thoughts..."(Matt. 15:19). As Paul says, "Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus"(Phil. 2:5).
You will ve "transformed by the renewing of your mind"(Rom. 12:2), not by the strength of your will to hold your tongue. God tells us HOW to think about our role as wife and help meet. If you believe him, you will think diferently.......
If I were in a airport baggage pick up area waiting for my red suitcase, and I saw a young man snatch it and run, I would be very upset UNTIL I learned that my husband sent him to get it for me. When my thinking changed, my emotions changed.
The lady married to the accountant gone Dairy farmer was sitting at home angry because her husband was late. When he finally arrived, he went directly to the barn to take care of his cows. She couldn't hold her tongue. She couldn't help the way she felt, because she had spent the entire day, no, the entire week....month.....last 3 years, thinking how miserable whe was for the circumstances her husband had barought upon her....She felt HER "red suitcase" was stolen. "This was not what we greed upno when we got married"......"He should come in and eat the supper that is already cold from waiting, not go out and milk first..."she had reapeated to herself for the last 3 hours when it was obvious he wa late.....She was storing up in her heart an abundance of selfish thoughts. Her actions and reactions became enslaved to her misguided thoughts.
What could she do to change her thoughts? She coul learn something she does not know, not just from this bookd advice, but, from Gods Holy Word....The Bible....
She was not created to choose her husbands vocation, nor to choose his or her lifestyle. She was created by God to be her husbands helper. In her case, that meant becoming a country girl----dairymans helper. that doesn't mena she has to like cows, but she was created to help the man who does like cows.
Think how differnet it would be if, when he was 3 hours late, she thought about how blessed she is that he comes home every night and brings a paycheck, he IS home every night, she can crawl into a warm bed at the end of a day without being lonely, has a daddy to her children and the future of more cows, milking equipment and possibly a rise in milk prices.....How thrilling her life would be.......An adventure, not stagnate.......Many a woman is sitting alone at 7 in the evening, afraid that her ex will break in her apartment and steal the children..and where will she and her children will move next month, or how will she pay the bills?.......She and many, many others would love to sit in the "dairymans" ladys kitchen, waiting peacefully for her grassroots husband to come in late for supper, only to go out and tend his cows. When he did come through door, his dinner would be warm and the smiles and hugs would be warmer, with a promise of a even warmer bed.
You are what you think, and God tells you how to think. THINK THE TRUTH!!!
This is not the power of positive thiking: this is the power of the truth as God defines it.
You are created to be your husbands helper, not this conscience, not his vocation director, and certainly not his critic.
When you develop and adversarial relationship with your husband, you do so on the premise that you are right and he is wrong...OUCH!!!!.,....You are also assuming that you have the duty to resist, confront, and challenge him. In thinking he is wrong and you are right, you declare yourself wiser than he, more spiritual, more discerning, more sacrificial, etc.
All this adds up to the obvious conclusion that you have assumed the role of his leadership, teacher, and judge. This is sinful and odious, and it displeases God greatly. No woman will ever have peace and joy until her mind is filled with goodwill toward her husband, and she is committed to becoming a good help meet for him. Is much of your life a reaciton to real or perceived wrongs? Are you truly as wise as you think?
Take this test to see....................
Wisdom Test..........
1. Do you have enough fear of God to not question his Word?
2. Do you sometimes feel God is punishing you by telling you to obey your husband?
3. Would you give God excuses like, "My husband is mean," or, "I am a strong personality, and he is weak"?
4. How would you respond if God gave you directions on how to talk, when not to talk, or how to dress or even wear your hair?
5. Are you comfortable with dismissing the Bibles role for women by saying we live in a different culture?
6. When God says to reverence(meaning, stand in awe of)your husband, do you think that is demanding too much?
7. Will you say, "If God says it, or even suggests it, than that is what I will do"?
If you can say, "Not my will, but thine be done," then you can know that your prayer is based on the fear of God. It is the beginning of wisdom. Ask God to give you the beginning of wisdom by asking him to teach you to fear him.
Time to Consider........
WE have larned that our created nature is to be a help meet to our husband.
We have learned that a help meet is someone who helps herhusband in any and all of his life projects.
We have leatned that the jou ot the Lord is our strength and that a merry heart is a real asset in becoming a godly help meet. A smile keeps our man looking our way. Our desire is to become a jolly "playmate" to our husband and to be an heir with him of the grace of life.
All of us have decided that we do not want o grow old and become crazy old, religious fanatics who think that they are obeying God while disregarding his written Word. We have learned that the fear of God is the beginning of wisdom, and we shudder to think we might have ended up being like some of the old reprobates we know tho dishonor their husbands.
We have learned that wisdom is a gift that God promises to anyone who asks. Through wisdom, we have discovered that eachof our husbands are made in the image of God, either as xommand men, Visionarys or Mr. Steady or a mis of all three.
We know that it is our job as a help meet to always be looking for ways to better meet ourhusbands needs and desires.
Believe you me, I know this is NOT easy........we had a something this morning...it was exactly what this page is aboaut today, now,,,,I have to ask myself....How will I deal with it...first, I apalogized, then we still got nowhere...then I confessed and tried to change my mindset, still to no avail,,,,so her we are at a standoff......
On my knees, I go...an into prayer for Gods wisdom and not my own......
Now it is time for us all to go back and add to the list the tings you could be doing that will free your husband to be the man god created him to be...
NO!!!!!!!!!!!!! this will not be easy, but, with Gods help and Him doing the changes, I too, can be"Created to be His help Meet".
Lets not give up Ladies....
Love to all who read this blog....
A wise woman does not dream of what "could have been". She does not see herself as "Gods" gift to her man, therefore, she is joyful and content in whatever cinrcumstances she finds herself in....
By the time you married, you already had ceratin convictions. You knew right from wrong. you did what you thought was right, and no one could persuade you differently. But, now you find yourself and your convictions challenged by someone who may not share your established standards and worldview. He may be more liberal than you, more permissive, or he may be stricter and more more legalistic. The presence of children further complicates the situation. You want desperately to do what is right for them, but you have submitted yourself under the authority of another. Life is not going the way you had planned, and you cannot react in the way you wanted to. You find yourself pushed to the limit of your patience, and then you react in unsubmissive and selfish anger.
Reactions are not premeditated actions springing from our best motives, carefully thought our, planned, weighed. They are emotional responses, breaking lose like wild horses when we feel hurt, cheated, used or misunderstood. They are often are retalitory, sometimes condemning, confrontational, or adversarial and eventually vengeful and punishing.
Your reactions break you loose from your social inhibitions and manifest who you really are inside and what you really believe at your core level.
We loose our carefully preserved "front" when we are pressed beyond our own thinking. Then,who we really are is made manifest.
You can control your future reactions considerably by changing the way you think you feel, and it will determine how you will react in stressful situations.
Researchers have determined that the average person thinks over 40,000 thoughts per day. The heart is filled with these thoughts, and it is out of that reservoir of thoughts that the mouth speaks, be it good or bad. When the pressure is on, and the dam of resevation breaks loose, you cannot control what you say, because you will speak from the abundance of your heart---from the 40,000 thoughts you had that day and all the days before.
"A good man out of the good treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is good; and an evil man out of the evil treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is evil: for of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaketh"(Luke 6:45) If you, as s wife, are going to change the way you have been speaking, it is not a matter of willpower; it is a matter of thought ower. "For as he thinketh in his heart, so IS he..."(Prov. 23:7). You must bring "into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ"(II Cor. 10:5). "For out of hte heart proceed evil thoughts..."(Matt. 15:19). As Paul says, "Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus"(Phil. 2:5).
You will ve "transformed by the renewing of your mind"(Rom. 12:2), not by the strength of your will to hold your tongue. God tells us HOW to think about our role as wife and help meet. If you believe him, you will think diferently.......
If I were in a airport baggage pick up area waiting for my red suitcase, and I saw a young man snatch it and run, I would be very upset UNTIL I learned that my husband sent him to get it for me. When my thinking changed, my emotions changed.
The lady married to the accountant gone Dairy farmer was sitting at home angry because her husband was late. When he finally arrived, he went directly to the barn to take care of his cows. She couldn't hold her tongue. She couldn't help the way she felt, because she had spent the entire day, no, the entire week....month.....last 3 years, thinking how miserable whe was for the circumstances her husband had barought upon her....She felt HER "red suitcase" was stolen. "This was not what we greed upno when we got married"......"He should come in and eat the supper that is already cold from waiting, not go out and milk first..."she had reapeated to herself for the last 3 hours when it was obvious he wa late.....She was storing up in her heart an abundance of selfish thoughts. Her actions and reactions became enslaved to her misguided thoughts.
What could she do to change her thoughts? She coul learn something she does not know, not just from this bookd advice, but, from Gods Holy Word....The Bible....
She was not created to choose her husbands vocation, nor to choose his or her lifestyle. She was created by God to be her husbands helper. In her case, that meant becoming a country girl----dairymans helper. that doesn't mena she has to like cows, but she was created to help the man who does like cows.
Think how differnet it would be if, when he was 3 hours late, she thought about how blessed she is that he comes home every night and brings a paycheck, he IS home every night, she can crawl into a warm bed at the end of a day without being lonely, has a daddy to her children and the future of more cows, milking equipment and possibly a rise in milk prices.....How thrilling her life would be.......An adventure, not stagnate.......Many a woman is sitting alone at 7 in the evening, afraid that her ex will break in her apartment and steal the children..and where will she and her children will move next month, or how will she pay the bills?.......She and many, many others would love to sit in the "dairymans" ladys kitchen, waiting peacefully for her grassroots husband to come in late for supper, only to go out and tend his cows. When he did come through door, his dinner would be warm and the smiles and hugs would be warmer, with a promise of a even warmer bed.
You are what you think, and God tells you how to think. THINK THE TRUTH!!!
This is not the power of positive thiking: this is the power of the truth as God defines it.
You are created to be your husbands helper, not this conscience, not his vocation director, and certainly not his critic.
When you develop and adversarial relationship with your husband, you do so on the premise that you are right and he is wrong...OUCH!!!!.,....You are also assuming that you have the duty to resist, confront, and challenge him. In thinking he is wrong and you are right, you declare yourself wiser than he, more spiritual, more discerning, more sacrificial, etc.
All this adds up to the obvious conclusion that you have assumed the role of his leadership, teacher, and judge. This is sinful and odious, and it displeases God greatly. No woman will ever have peace and joy until her mind is filled with goodwill toward her husband, and she is committed to becoming a good help meet for him. Is much of your life a reaciton to real or perceived wrongs? Are you truly as wise as you think?
Take this test to see....................
Wisdom Test..........
1. Do you have enough fear of God to not question his Word?
2. Do you sometimes feel God is punishing you by telling you to obey your husband?
3. Would you give God excuses like, "My husband is mean," or, "I am a strong personality, and he is weak"?
4. How would you respond if God gave you directions on how to talk, when not to talk, or how to dress or even wear your hair?
5. Are you comfortable with dismissing the Bibles role for women by saying we live in a different culture?
6. When God says to reverence(meaning, stand in awe of)your husband, do you think that is demanding too much?
7. Will you say, "If God says it, or even suggests it, than that is what I will do"?
If you can say, "Not my will, but thine be done," then you can know that your prayer is based on the fear of God. It is the beginning of wisdom. Ask God to give you the beginning of wisdom by asking him to teach you to fear him.
Time to Consider........
WE have larned that our created nature is to be a help meet to our husband.
We have learned that a help meet is someone who helps herhusband in any and all of his life projects.
We have leatned that the jou ot the Lord is our strength and that a merry heart is a real asset in becoming a godly help meet. A smile keeps our man looking our way. Our desire is to become a jolly "playmate" to our husband and to be an heir with him of the grace of life.
All of us have decided that we do not want o grow old and become crazy old, religious fanatics who think that they are obeying God while disregarding his written Word. We have learned that the fear of God is the beginning of wisdom, and we shudder to think we might have ended up being like some of the old reprobates we know tho dishonor their husbands.
We have learned that wisdom is a gift that God promises to anyone who asks. Through wisdom, we have discovered that eachof our husbands are made in the image of God, either as xommand men, Visionarys or Mr. Steady or a mis of all three.
We know that it is our job as a help meet to always be looking for ways to better meet ourhusbands needs and desires.
Believe you me, I know this is NOT easy........we had a something this morning...it was exactly what this page is aboaut today, now,,,,I have to ask myself....How will I deal with it...first, I apalogized, then we still got nowhere...then I confessed and tried to change my mindset, still to no avail,,,,so her we are at a standoff......
On my knees, I go...an into prayer for Gods wisdom and not my own......
Now it is time for us all to go back and add to the list the tings you could be doing that will free your husband to be the man god created him to be...
NO!!!!!!!!!!!!! this will not be easy, but, with Gods help and Him doing the changes, I too, can be"Created to be His help Meet".
Lets not give up Ladies....
Love to all who read this blog....
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
continue on "Finding your life in His..."

Now a continuation on yesterdays postings...............
Has your Dh decided to take a different path in his career than you want?God didn't create Adam and Eve at the same time and then tell them to work out some compromise on how they would each achieve their personal goals in a cooperative manner. He created Adam, gave him an occupation, appointed him as ruler of the planet, endowed him with a spiritual outlook, gave him commands, and specified his occupational duties. Adam commenced his rule of the planet BEFORE God created Eve to help him in his lifes goals. Adam didn't need Eves consent. She was designed to serve, not to be served, to assist, not to veto his decisions. Can you imagine Eve saying; " When God brought me to you in that wonderful garden, and we commenced life together, you never said anythng about thorns and thistles, about pain in childbirth, about milking goats, cows or whatever, about churning butter and I am not a wildernessgirl!"
I wonder how your DHs feel when you are essentially saying these things? Will your unhappy DH loose his joy over the whole matter?, and be robbed of his vision? If he does go back to being what he was before he got this "vision"....will he spend the rest of his life, dreaming? Dreaming of a different kind of lady for a wife?, a bunch of happy children, and the rest of his dream?...just like the Grandpa in yesterdays words.
LIFE IS NOW!!!! Don't make him ruin his life by being forced(by you and your control)into doing "your" thoughts, do it his way, make him happy..Find your life in his!!!!
God made us women to be helpmeets, and it is in our nature to do so....It is the role in which we will succeed in life, and it is where we will find our very greatest fulfillment as a woman. God did say in Genesis; "I will make him an help meet(not head of the home) for him." 1 Corinthians 11;8 & 9 says that also...Genesis 3:16 says..."Unto the woman he said....and thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee..."
When we fight Gods will and our DHs dreams, we are frustrated and disappointed.
If our DHs are kind steady men,(like mine) they will eventually become discouraged and give up trying to please us, (I am glad to have sae the right light before this happened!) If our DHs are Command men, they may leave us behind and find the kind of woman that loves what they love. If our DHs are Visionary men, they will yell and make our lives miserable until we run back to mama and end up sleeping in a cold bed and living on food stamps or less.
Life is full of choices. How you choose to respond will help you decide your fate in life. Life is NOW! Learn to really enjoy taking our the trash or milking the cow(ask God to help you and make you willing). You will be amazed at how God will fill you fulll of himself. You will look back(and I do)in your happy old age, and wonder how this happened, how you ever could have been a long faced sad sack, how you ever "did that" to your DH...how anyone else could have stood your atatitudes and control?
Now they may say, "You are just happy....why?" And you know what to say....
You can now laugh..... and knowing that you are in Gods will as a Helpmeet. that is what brings you life and Joy, being in HIS will, what you are created for...God is not looking for happy women to make them into help meets for good men....He is looking for women willing to be true help meets to the men they are married to......HE can fill them with His joy!!!!!!!!
His express image........
We have studied 3 different types of men and how each one relates the the lady in his life. WE have learned that God gives wisdom for you to come to know, accept, and appreciate, the man in your life. He may be all 3 or a mix of 2 or just one. The important thing is for you to understnad that he is what God made him, and that you are to be his suitable helper. Knowing what "expression" God has made him to be will help you become a better helper to the man of your life. God says so clearly and emphatically that "If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth ato all men[and women] liverally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him'(James 1:5).
Ask The Lord of your life to help you know and appreciate your DH. Pray that God will give you the wisdom and grace to share your mans dreams so it will always be you that he dreams about....
Wisdom is knowing what you "bought", when you married that man and learning to adapt to him as he is, while enjoying the full value of your "purchase".....
Make a new habit....
Is it Gods will that yor DH adapt to you, or hat you adapt tohim? What habits in your life should yo adapt to his? Start today....
Getting serious about this whole thing...
The word WISDOM appears 223 times, hmmmmmmmmm, I wonder why?
Look up and read each one and ask that God will do a work in your heart and your "WILL". Add to your memory your favorite verses about Wisdom. Each day resolve that you will pray for your DH....the same time every day...(at a red light, washing dishes...)
This really works, it has turned my marriage upside down...
Love to all....
Holy Spirit,
Monday, February 9, 2009
Finding your life in his..........

Hello Ladies and others.........tis time to go on with our study about "Created to be His helpmeet"..
Lets go on.
There was once a show called "Dad"...It told of a woman/wife that controlled the man/husbands every move, he could not even pour the milk on his cereal......they got old and the son came home to take care of them in their old days...the old woman spent her entire life taking care of her "Mr. Nice, Steady" husband...
Then she got sick and spent some time in the hospital, when she came home, her "Mr. Nice, Steady" husband was a changed man...during her absence he had began to to places, and doing fun things, the clock had seemed to be turned back 50 years, he was happy now...you seee....he was ready to live out what he had dreamed about for 30 years in his mind while working in the same old factory...
He talked of friends and family that never existed, their 4 children, when there was only 2, He spoke of his much loved, gentle and obedient wife, quite different from the reality he had experienced over many, many years. His wife was terribly shaken, because she knew that never existed, no dairy farm, no 4 children,...she also knew the woman he remembered was not her.
All the years at the factory and "dreaming "of what he really wanted for his family and wife,,took a toll on him, the psychologist explained. He now lived in the very world he had dreamed about for years. As Grandfathers mind aged, the pleasant make believe world he had dreamed about had become reality to him, and the "caged" life that he had really lived faded away....
Because of his wifes controlling hand and his desire to do "his duty" and please her, he had failed to live his dreams. She had weakened him with her control and criticism until he created and imaginary world of hope and fullfilment.
Oh, ladies, as I type this, my heart breaks again for how I treated my DH...Do you treat yours with distain, because he is not the MAN you want him to be...well, then quit treating him like that....treat him with respect, reverence and honor as you want and he will blossom,,,he will make you his queen.....
I cannot go on today, for my heavy heart and the memories that pour back with this part of the study.....
Please stay with me though......next Monday will be more.....
Love to all who read this....
Holy Spirit,
Saturday, February 7, 2009
A heart of rest and usefullness.....

Hello all....
I have a subject on my mind, so here it goes....
We can get so hard in our hearts. As we go through life, thinge come up. We rise up in our own way. Sometimes we lose God in our own ways. We jsut need to break and give it all to God. Its a hard path sometimes, but its such a beautiful path. May God keep us broken. I want to be a broken woman, don't you? Sometimes we break and become useful, then we become proud and we have to be broken again. We do need a daily breaking to stay soft and pliable in the Lords hands.
When our hearts break, our "rights" are gone. A broken and contrite heart brings a rest to our hearts and lives. Jesus said,"Come to me if you are heavy laden and need rest." Gods children need rest. We need rest in our hearts. How do we get it? Jesus said,"Learn from me, for I am meek and lowely of heart." In meekness, that is in brokeness. In meekness and lowliness is where we find rest. We are at peace with God.
When our heart breaks, our life becomes silent. Ther is a lot more silence than there is speaking. I have noticed that. Deeply broken people are generally a quiet people.
Look at the silence of Jesus when He was in the judgement hall. People were after Him, saying all kinds of things about Him. What did He do? He was silent, unless He wanted to identify who He was. There is a distanct difference. When He was accused, He was silent. When He was asked who He was, then He spoke. He was concerned about His identity with God, the Father, but not about His reputation.
We are so protective of our reputation. We are so concerned about what others think about us, but Jesus wasn't. We need to protect God's testimony in our lives, but not our reputations. When men speak evil against me, I want to fight back, go hunt them down, see who said it......When our heart breaks, we leave the fight to God. God can do it. If God wants to hunt that person down, then let Him hunt it down......the TRUTH always stand. When the heart breaks, the fight is over.
Usually when something is broken it becomes useless, but when the heart breaks IT becomes usefull. In the church of Jesus Christ, everything must be brought to death, and then, through resurrection power, be rivived. Jesus' first miracle, that miracle of turning water into wine, didn't happen until the old wine was finished. Then the new wine came, then the miracle.
If you don't see the work of God in your life, if youre not where you want to be, then what you need to do is finish, let your heart break with the things that break the heart of God. Then, in His power, He can put you together again, His way.
God needs to do a deep work of breaking in our hearts. Our visions may collapse right in front of our very eyes. But, have you looked at Joseph? He had a dream, God had showed him that he was going to be a leader. How do you think he felt when his brothers threw him in that old pit? Do you think he thought about his leadership? There he was, down in the pit. His vision collapsed right in front of his eyes. Later he was in prison....how can he ever lead in prison? God brings vision to nothing, so that He can raise up His way in us. Thats the life of brokeness.....
When the heart breaks, hiding our inner poverty is over. Some of us would probably not want everyone to know the inner poverty in our life-how shallow we really are in our Christian walk. Wou you like everyone to know how you rally are? Sometimes we try to hide, but when the heart breaks, we no longer care who sees it....We just want to be different. We WANT TO CHANGE. We WANT to get close to the Lord......
Have you had hurts in your life? I have. Those deep hurts can make us bitter or better....It depends if the "I" is in it or not....God wants to bring those diffeculties in our lives to break us down to nothing, so that He can raise up His power in us. There is tremendous power in being broken......But, ITS SOOOOO PAINFUL!!!!
God wants broken hearts. When a Church is a Church full of broken hearts, you will see a Church that has peace amongst it's people. Your going to have rest in your hearts and souls, Your Church will be peaceful. You will want to reach out to others and not keep it unto yourself. There is something sooooo sweet and beautiful aboaut brokeness.....but,,,,its not going to be easy..its hard.
May I encourage you to give your all to God with no reserves...all of who you are or are not, all of who you want to be and don't want to be, your dreams and aspirations.......give HIM all.......May God break our hearts with the things that break His...may we trust,,and not be afraid to let him be God......
Love to you.............
Friday, February 6, 2009
~~~~~~~~Good marriages don't just happen~~~~~~~

Good morning all who read..
It had snowed again, only 1 inch this time, but, I have a few words to open this morning as an encouragement to all of you.
Our marriages need to be carafully, loved, and cared for also nurtured. They don't just happen. The health of your relationship with your spouse effects sooo many more than just the 2 of you. When you marry, you begin to build something bigger than either of you can see at that moment(remember the butterflies). the family you want to build deserves more than either of you alone can do. It is your commitment; NOT LOVE; that will build it to outlast the storms of marriage that we all go through.
So...on this Valentines day(just to use this day)as every day, I want to encourage you to give your husband and family something that will make your whole family(all who you are around) outlast flowers or candy, that will make your whole life happier. Something that is a matter of the heart......
Something that you cannot do alone......
Your probably thinking, ya, ya, ya,.........she's going to talk about the same old thing, your RIGHT!!!! I am......about the God that created this old world.....that created even you.
Fall on your knees...and ask "Him" tohelp you change and make it better.
The mothers heart is the childs classroom....
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Grace Sufficient


So many burdened lives along the way!
My load seems lighter than most I see,
And oft I wonder if I could be brave,
Patient and sweet if they were laid on me.
But God has never said that He would give
Another's Grace without another's thorn;
What matter, since for every day of mine
Sufficient grace for me comes with the morn?
And though the future brings some heavier cross
I need not cloud the present with my fears;
I know the grace that is enough today
Wil be sufficient still through all the years.
Annie Johnson Flint
Holy Spirit,
Monday, February 2, 2009

Hello Ladies...
Just a note to all of you that read this blog......
Thank-you for reading it....it is in my heart to minister to those who need it, whether old or new...Today, many, many women have noone to share with, talk to, or learn from.
We will continue our notes on "Reverencing our husbands."
Then onto teaching some basic HOMEY skills....
stay tuned for what is to follow on my blog...
Good Morning...............
I am writing this morning, to encourage anyone who is down. No matter what circumstances life finds you, there is one who can and will carry you through. Even when it seems all is lost, your heart is broke and nothing in the world fills that empty void. It seems that at that very moment, one cannot go on any longer, if one would cry out to that one who is bigger than all ones problems, Jesus......one can go on.............
Remember the Scriptures that will lift you up, call someone that can even help you through a tough time. Sing, read the Bible, but, giving up...."NO!", cry out to Jesus again, He will deliver........
I am writing this morning, to encourage anyone who is down. No matter what circumstances life finds you, there is one who can and will carry you through. Even when it seems all is lost, your heart is broke and nothing in the world fills that empty void. It seems that at that very moment, one cannot go on any longer, if one would cry out to that one who is bigger than all ones problems, Jesus......one can go on.............
Remember the Scriptures that will lift you up, call someone that can even help you through a tough time. Sing, read the Bible, but, giving up...."NO!", cry out to Jesus again, He will deliver........
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